The Stories You Tell Yourself Are Holding You Back - Here's How to Rewrite Them

Paul Avins
July 10, 2024
2 min read

As a business coach, I've worked with countless CEOs and entrepreneurs who feel stuck or like they're spinning their wheels. They have big dreams and ambitious goals, but somehow, they just can't seem to gain traction. More often than not, when we dig a little deeper, we discover that the real culprit is the stories they're telling themselves.

"I don't have enough time."

 "I don't have the money." 

"I don't have the right network."

Sound familiar? These are just a few of the most common narratives I hear from clients who are struggling to move forward. But here's the thing: These stories are just that - stories. And the good news is, you have the power to rewrite them.

Your number one job as a leader is to focus your mind on what you WANT, not what you lack. When you get crystal clear on your vision and start aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with that desired outcome, you open yourself up to possibilities and solutions you may never have considered before.

Now, I know this might sound a bit "woo-woo" or metaphysical. But stay with me. I'm not suggesting that you can just sit back, think positive thoughts, and wait for success to fall into your lap. Quite the opposite, actually.

You see, when you focus on what you want with intention and conviction, you start to attract the people, resources, and opportunities that can help you get there. But it's up to you to take ACTION on those opportunities when they arise. As the saying goes, you get paid on what you get done, not what you dream about doing.

So how can you start rewriting those limiting stories and focusing your mind on what you want? Here are a few practical tips:

  1. Get clear on your vision. Take some time to really flesh out what success looks like for you and your business. What are you working towards? What kind of impact do you want to make? The more specific and vivid you can be, the better.
  2. Identify your limiting stories. Pay attention to the narratives that pop up when you think about your goals. What are the recurring excuses or fears that hold you back? Write them down so you can acknowledge them and start to question their validity.
  3. Reframe your stories. For each limiting story, brainstorm a more empowering alternative. For example, instead of "I don't have enough time," try "I am in control of how I prioritise and spend my time." Instead of "I don't have the money," consider "There are always creative ways to finance growth."
  4. Surround yourself with positivity. Seek out mentors, peers, and resources that inspire and motivate you. Curate your social media feeds and reading lists to focus on stories of success and possibility. The more you immerse yourself in a can-do mindset, the easier it becomes to embrace it yourself.
  5. Take aligned action. As you focus your mind on what you want and start to rewrite your stories, pay attention to the opportunities that emerge. Then, take bold, decisive action to seize them. Remember, success is the result of consistent, strategic effort over time.

Rewriting the stories that hold you back is a practice, not a one-time event. It requires diligence, self-awareness, and a willingness to challenge your own assumptions. But when you commit to focusing your mind on what you want and taking aligned action, you'll be amazed at how quickly your momentum and results can shift.

So, what's one story you're ready to rewrite today? Share it in the comments, and let's support each other in embracing a more empowered, action-oriented mindset. Together, we can ditch the excuses and start writing the success stories we want to live.